How it all started...
We are SO pleased that you have taken some time learn a little bit about our history. Life Connections Ministries, started in 2012....well it actually started before then. Pastors Gene and Mary Pat Stowell Cornerstone Church (now known as Life Connections Ministries) was started by Pastors Gene & Mary Pat Stowell. The first official meeting of Cornerstone Church was held on February 9, 1995 in the Buffalo Book Store Meeting Room in downtown Leavenworth. Sunday services were held there until May of 1995 when services were moved to Riverfront Community Center also in Leavenworth, KS.
For the next 4 1/2 years Sunday morning services would be held there. Each service there would be volunteers that would set up speakers, sound equipment, keyboard, drums and chairs. Bible studies during the week continued to be held at the Pastor’s house. The church would continue to grow to the point that in 1999 it was time to look for a bigger meeting location, one that would be large enough to allow for weekly bible studies, children’s church, Sunday school and other ministry opportunities.
In January 2000 the church moved to a new location, (its current location) on North 7th Street. The church would not only continue to grow in numbers but would also grow in developing many leaders. Two of the many leaders that Pastors Gene and Mary Pat groomed for leadership included, Pastors Michael and Susan Garner. Both Pastors Michael & Susan have been a part of the church almost from the very beginning.
In March of 2012, Pastors Gene and Mary Pat retired from Cornerstone Church, but continued with their calling as pastors. Just like once a coach always a coach, once a pastor always a pastor. With that, they continue to reach out to people and are helping them with the teaching of God’s Word.
Pastors Michael and Susan in March 2012 received the calling and anointing to now lead this church. They continue on with the original vision, and with what the Lord had laid on their hearts (see opening paragraph). With the Lords direction, in October 2012 the name of the church changed from Cornerstone Church to Life Connections Ministries, connecting faith, family & friends (f3).
Life Connections Ministries is a place where all are welcome, where you will be fed the Word of God, and where you can connect faith with your family and friends.
For the next 4 1/2 years Sunday morning services would be held there. Each service there would be volunteers that would set up speakers, sound equipment, keyboard, drums and chairs. Bible studies during the week continued to be held at the Pastor’s house. The church would continue to grow to the point that in 1999 it was time to look for a bigger meeting location, one that would be large enough to allow for weekly bible studies, children’s church, Sunday school and other ministry opportunities.
In January 2000 the church moved to a new location, (its current location) on North 7th Street. The church would not only continue to grow in numbers but would also grow in developing many leaders. Two of the many leaders that Pastors Gene and Mary Pat groomed for leadership included, Pastors Michael and Susan Garner. Both Pastors Michael & Susan have been a part of the church almost from the very beginning.
In March of 2012, Pastors Gene and Mary Pat retired from Cornerstone Church, but continued with their calling as pastors. Just like once a coach always a coach, once a pastor always a pastor. With that, they continue to reach out to people and are helping them with the teaching of God’s Word.
Pastors Michael and Susan in March 2012 received the calling and anointing to now lead this church. They continue on with the original vision, and with what the Lord had laid on their hearts (see opening paragraph). With the Lords direction, in October 2012 the name of the church changed from Cornerstone Church to Life Connections Ministries, connecting faith, family & friends (f3).
Life Connections Ministries is a place where all are welcome, where you will be fed the Word of God, and where you can connect faith with your family and friends.

Expanding the vision...
Bridging the gap of the generations. Teaching the young to respect and honor the older generation. Encouraging the older generation to enjoy the joy and energy of the young ones.
Celebrating life and doing life together, outside of the walls of a building.
Celebrating life and doing life together, outside of the walls of a building.
Where we are headed...
In 2013 under the leadership of Pastor Mavis Kurkowski (WILD Ministries) Foundation Theological Institute (FTI) was started. The vision for these classes is to take the children of God into a deeper understanding of God's inspired Word AND to raise believers in solid doctrine, based upon the Word, not man's understanding. The classes usually entail 4 to 5 weeks of pre-reading, then 1 week of classes with Pastor Mavis, followed by another 4 to 5 weeks of post-reading. So far we have covered Christology, Prison Epistles, Biblical Leadership, Old and New Testament Survey, Hermanutics. Pastor Mavis has the anointing and calling from God not just as preacher of the Gospel, but a teacher as well.
In 2014 the Lord laid it on Pastor Michael heart to plan to purchase land in the future, not just for a bigger building for the church, or grass for the kids to play on, but to build also a campus that will house FTI.
In 2014 the Lord laid it on Pastor Michael heart to plan to purchase land in the future, not just for a bigger building for the church, or grass for the kids to play on, but to build also a campus that will house FTI.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:30am or on Wednesday's at 6:30pm